Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Amendment II: The Right to Bear Arm

Should Guns be Allowed?

Source #1: http://www.inkcinct.com.au/web-pages/cartoons/2007/2007-230-right-to-bear-arms.jpg
Source #2: http://www.scottbieser.com/images/Sept11_c540.jpg


Explanation of Connection: The first political cartoon is showing how many people in the world are big supporters of the right to bear arm, or possess guns. The second political cartoon is showing how things might have been different during 9/11 it people had the right to possess guns, some believe that the terrorist wouldn't have tried to bomb the twin towers if a lot of people had guns on them. The right to bear arm was made a law in order for people to able to protect themselves, of course, but does that necessarily mean they will use this right accordingly?
Some people do indeed misuse this right by doing random drive-by's killing innocent bystanders, and if you ask me it's just NOT right. I feel that people should have the right to bear arm in order to protect themselves if, for example someone breaks into their home, but if they are going to mistreat this right and shoot up the world why not take it away?


  1. Good points Jessika--be sure to include the exact text from the amendment you're using and proofread your posts as well.

    Good use of the cartoons too! here's a question--is there a limit as to what types of guns citizens should possess?

  2. Our government was behind the whole thing! There were damned terrorists!
